In an exciting update, Mag Garden's Monthly Comic Garden magazine has announced that artist Ryō Azuchi is set to launch a manga adaptation of Syuichi Tsukishima's popular light novel, "Tsuihōsareta Guild Shokuin wa, Sekai Saikyō no Shōkanshi" (The Exiled Guild Worker is the World's Strongest Summoner).
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The Arrival of New Fantasy Manga Called, “The…
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In an exciting update, Mag Garden's Monthly Comic Garden magazine has announced that artist Ryō Azuchi is set to launch a manga adaptation of Syuichi Tsukishima's popular light novel, "Tsuihōsareta Guild Shokuin wa, Sekai Saikyō no Shōkanshi" (The Exiled Guild Worker is the World's Strongest Summoner).