In a remarkable turn of events, the Solo Leveling anime has reportedly shattered records with its debut episode, surpassing the premiere record set by One Piece's Gear 5 episode. While official confirmation is pending, numerous unofficial sources, citing Crunchyroll insiders, assert the Solo Leveling anime's first episode has exceeded the milestone previously held by One Piece.
The widespread success of Solo Leveling can be attributed to its international popularity as a renowned manhwa series. Despite concluding over two years ago, the manhwa's dedicated fanbase eagerly tuned in for the anime premiere. The series' broad appeal even captured the attention of anime enthusiasts unfamiliar with the source material, drawn in by compelling trailers and promotional materials.
What Makes Solo Leveling So Popular?
"Solo Leveling" unfolds in a world where mysterious gates to dungeons have granted people access to monsters and magical abilities. Sung Jin-Woo, initially the weakest of the rank E hunters, becomes the sole survivor of a deadly dungeon trap, discovering a hidden quest that transforms him into a player of the "System." This game-like system enables characters to level up and acquire powers after defeating monsters. The narrative revolves around Jin-Woo's journey from the weakest hunter to an immensely powerful protagonist, marked by significant character development.
Comparisons between Solo Leveling and One Piece highlight the rapid growth of Solo Leveling's fanbase, achieving a similar level of recognition in a significantly shorter time frame. The manhwa, created by Chugong and illustrated by Jang Sung-rak, originally debuted in March 2018 and concluded in December 2021. In contrast, Eiichiro Oda's One Piece manga has been a staple since its inception in July 1997 and continues to be a prominent Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.
As we await official confirmation and detailed statistics on Solo Leveling's record-breaking premiere, the anime's global impact is a testament to the medium's enduring popularity. Stay tuned for further updates on anime, manga, film, and live-action developments throughout 2024.