Manga enthusiasts can rejoice as celebrated manga creator Kia Asamiya recently took to Twitter on December 29 to unveil an exciting development—his upcoming series titled "Captain Symphonica." This latest venture is set to make its debut in Takeshobo's Web Comic Gamma in January, with the magazine traditionally releasing issues on the 10th, 20th, and 30th of each month.
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Renowned Manga Artist Kia Asamiya Debuts…
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Manga enthusiasts can rejoice as celebrated manga creator Kia Asamiya recently took to Twitter on December 29 to unveil an exciting development—his upcoming series titled "Captain Symphonica." This latest venture is set to make its debut in Takeshobo's Web Comic Gamma in January, with the magazine traditionally releasing issues on the 10th, 20th, and 30th of each month.