Rachael Lillis, the beloved voice actress known for her iconic roles as Misty and Jessie in the Pokémon anime, has passed away. She died on the evening of August 10, as announced by Veronica Taylor, who voiced Ash Ketchum in the Pokémon series. Lillis had been courageously fighting breast cancer, which ultimately spread to her spine, severely affecting her mobility.
The news of Lillis' death has been met with an outpouring of condolences from the voice-acting community. Taylor, along with Eric Stuart, who voiced Brock and James in Pokémon, expressed their sorrow and shared that Lillis' family is requesting privacy as they grieve. A memorial for Lillis will be held at a later date.
In May, a GoFundMe campaign was launched to assist Lillis with the costs of a home care nurse. The campaign revealed that Lillis had been struggling with advanced breast cancer and was residing in a nursing home in Los Angeles since late January. The noise and conditions at the facility had made her situation even more challenging, highlighting the difficulty she faced during her final months.
Lillis, who was 46 according to ANN’s report, had a diverse and impactful career in voice acting. While her roles in Pokémon as Misty and Jessie brought her widespread recognition, she also lent her voice to numerous other characters in various anime series. Her notable roles include Utena Tenjō in Revolutionary Girl Utena, Martina in Slayers Next, Micott Bartsch in Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, Nagi Kirima in Boogiepop Phantom, and several others.
Her passing is a significant loss to the anime and voice-acting communities. Fans and colleagues remember her not only for her memorable performances but also for her resilience and spirit. As her family and friends come to terms with this loss, they appreciate the support and condolences from fans around the world.
So sad