Fans of One Piece are in for a thrilling 2025 as the anime adaptation of Eiichiro Oda’s beloved manga is set to resume its Egghead Island Arc in April. The exciting announcement came in the form of a teaser video, which premiered after the television broadcast of Monsters: 103 Mercies Dragon Damnation and One Piece Film Red on a Sunday evening. This has stirred immense excitement among the anime community, which has been eagerly awaiting the continuation of the Straw Hat Pirates' adventures.
During a special live-streamed event titled One Piece News #1, it was confirmed that the One Piece anime will take a short break to "recharge" its regular Sunday timeslot until the end of March 2025. This recharge period will allow the series to prepare for the continuation of the Egghead Arc with higher-quality production. Additionally, more details about the anime’s new April timeslot will be revealed during the Jump Festa 2025 event on December 22, 2024.
Upcoming Specials and Fish-Man Island Saga
In the meantime, One Piece fans won’t be left empty-handed. Starting next Sunday, the One Piece Fan Letter special will air, followed by a special edited version of the beloved Fish-Man Island Arc, which will kick off on October 27. This abridged retelling will span 21 episodes and feature exciting updates including reshot scenes, enhanced art, color shading, and even a Dolby Atmos soundtrack. It’s not just a re-release, but a polished version that will breathe new life into the saga.
Adding to the excitement, a re-recorded version of the iconic "We Go!" opening theme song will accompany the Fish-Man Island special, with the new version featuring secret special guests known as the Mugiwara no Ichimi (Straw Hat Pirates). In addition, a popular boy band, BE: FIRST composed of One Piece fans will contribute an ending theme titled "Sailing."
One Piece Base Smartphone App Launch
Another exciting announcement was the release of the One Piece Base smartphone app in Japan, which launched on the same day as the teaser video. The app features a manga viewer and other franchise-related content and will be available globally in 2025. Fans can scan barcodes from One Piece merchandise to unlock chapters and enjoy special features such as the Nigaoe Maker, which allows users to transform their own photos into One Piece-style artwork, mimicking Oda's iconic art style.
One Piece Fan Letter Special Trailer
Earlier on Sunday, the official English YouTube channel of One Piece dropped a new promotional video for the One Piece Fan Letter special, which will air on October 20. This special commemorates the 25th anniversary of the anime and is based on One Piece: Mugiwara Stories, a short story collection by Tomohito Ōsaki. Fans can expect heartwarming moments in this tribute, as it showcases the impact One Piece has had over the years.
The Success of One Piece Film Red
The One Piece Film Red, which premiered in August 2022, also continues to break records. It earned over 20.33 billion yen (approximately US$137 million) in Japan, becoming the franchise’s highest-grossing film. The movie is now the sixth-highest-earning film in Japan’s history and the fourth-highest-earning anime film. This box office success has solidified One Piece's place in Japan’s pop culture.
In addition to the anime’s return, the second season of One Piece’s live-action series is currently in development, alongside a One Piece remake anime at Wit Studio for Netflix. These adaptations are part of One Piece’s continuous expansion into different media, keeping the excitement alive for fans worldwide.