In a recent announcement by Kadokawa Books, it was revealed that the popular light novel series "Reincarnated as the Daughter of the Legendary Hero and the Queen of Spirits," written by Matsuura and illustrated by Keepout, is set to receive a television anime adaptation. The news comes as a treat for fans who have been following the captivating story since its inception in 2016 on the Shōsetsuka ni Narō (Let's Become Novelists) website.
The narrative centers around Ellen, a young girl reincarnated from modern-day Japan as a half-spirit. Her father, Rovel, is the renowned hero who once saved the kingdom, while her mother, Origin, holds the prestigious title of the primordial queen and ruler of all spirits. What sets Ellen apart is her overpowered ability to manipulate the elements, making her a force to be reckoned with in her fantastical world.
The light novel series, penned by Matsuura and adorned with illustrations by keepout, began its journey on Shōsetsuka ni Narō in 2016, ultimately concluding in 2020. Kadokawa subsequently published the first volume of the light novels in 2018, with keepout's captivating artwork complementing the enchanting narrative. The series reached its conclusion with the release of the ninth volume in October 2022.
To commemorate the exciting news of the television anime adaptation, Yutaka Ohhori, the manga adaptation's author, shared an illustration, adding to the anticipation surrounding the upcoming animated rendition.
For those eager to delve into the story, Square Enix's Manga UP! Global offers the manga adaptation digitally in English. The manga, skillfully illustrated by Yutaka Ohhori, captures the essence of Ellen's journey as she navigates her newfound existence, relying on her past life's knowledge and the formidable powers of the spirits to safeguard her beloved family.
The manga adaptation, serialized in Square Enix's Monthly Big Gangan magazine since September 2018, is set to release its 10th compiled book volume on January 25, further extending the visual storytelling experience for fans.
Fans can surely look forward to witnessing Ellen's adorable yet powerful presence on the small screen, bringing to life the enchanting world crafted by Matsuura and keepout.