JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Meets Dragon Ball in the Next Hit Shonen Manga “Jiangshi X”
In the vibrant world of Shonen Jump's Jiangshi X, a recent chapter has unveiled an intriguing fusion technique that takes inspiration from two iconic series: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Dragon Ball Z. Published in Shonen Jump Plus in 2023, Jiangshi X has become a captivating Chinese battle fantasy series, drawing in fans with its unique blend of martial arts and supernatural elements.
The protagonist, Jiuli, showcases this groundbreaking fusion technique in chapter #30. Known as Dai Ling: Spirit Bond, it allows daoshi warriors to merge with their spiritual beings, reminiscent of Dragon Ball Z's fusion mechanics. In this universe, daoshi warriors like Jiuli harnesses the power of mighty spirits called Shen Ling, gaining a substantial boost to their Dan Li—the energy vital for sustaining themselves and powering combat techniques.
The narrative unfolds after a significant time skip in chapter #23, marking the transformation of three young daoshi into formidable warriors. Jiuli, one of these warriors, unveils the Dai Ling technique, showcasing its potential in a gripping battle against a powerful jiangshi. By defeating these Shen Ling spirits, daoshi warriors not only strengthen their energy but also open the door to extraordinary possibilities.
The fusion process itself is a spectacle, echoing the fusion mechanics seen in Dragon Ball Z. After a daoshi warrior successfully summons their Shen Ling, the spiritual being briefly enters the mortal realm. Building upon this, daoshi warriors can then merge with their Shen Ling, creating a harmonious union akin to the fusion seen in the popular Dragon Ball franchise.
Jiuli's demonstration of Dai Ling: Spirit Bond in chapter #30 exemplifies the newfound capabilities and strategic depth introduced to Jiangshi X. With a swift and powerful swing of his sword, Jiuli defeats a formidable jiangshi, showcasing the effectiveness of this fusion technique in combat.
As this fusion technique takes center stage, readers are left eagerly anticipating future chapters of Jiangshi X, wondering what other fusion options and transformative surprises may lie ahead. The introduction of such innovative techniques adds a layer of excitement to the series, promising a dynamic and thrilling narrative for Shonen Jump enthusiasts.