Gundam: Requiem For Vengeance Animation Reveals Netflix Debut!
In the vast universe of anime, a new star is set to shine, and its name is "Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance." The buzz is all about this upcoming animation project, and guess what? It's landing exclusively on Netflix for a global audience to feast their eyes on.
Imagine six episodes, each a brisk 30 minutes, taking you on a thrilling ride through the European Front during the iconic One Year War from the first Gundam anime. The narrative revolves around a character named Iria Sorari, brilliantly voiced and motion-captured by Australian actress Celia Massingham, known for her roles in DC's Legends of Tomorrow and Ladies in Black.
But it's not just about the characters; it's about the colossal mecha that steal the spotlight. Meet the Zeon mobile suit Zaku II, standing tall at the center of attention, and its counterpart, the Federation mobile suit Gundam, ready to rock and roll into action.
The series is under the expert guidance of director Erasmus Brosdau. What's even more exciting is that the animation is brought to life using Epic Games' Unreal Engine 5. It's like they've harnessed the power of cutting-edge technology to make this Gundam adventure an unforgettable visual spectacle.
Gavin Hignight, the mastermind behind Tekken: Bloodline and Transformers: Cyberverse, takes the pen to craft the story, promising an engaging narrative that will keep you on the edge of your seat. And at the helm of this creative ship is German artist Erasmus Brosdau, known for his work on Origin Zero and Warhammer 40.000's "The Lord Inquisitor: Seed of Ambition."
The dream team doesn't stop there. Naohiro Ogata and Gavin Hignight step up as executive producers, ensuring the project's overall success. Hiroaki Yura takes charge of production, making sure everything runs like a well-oiled machine.
The characters come to life through the skilled hands of Manuel Augusto Dischinger Moura, the main character designer, while Kimitoshi Yamane, a seasoned veteran in projects like Cowboy Bebop and Escaflowne, oversees the mechanical designs, ensuring the mecha are nothing short of spectacular.