Dragon Ball Daima Anime’s Trailer!
Toei Animation has recently unveiled an exciting new trailer for the highly anticipated Dragon Ball Daima anime series, generating a buzz among fans during the Dragon Ball Games Battle Hour event. The trailer prominently features the iconic character Goku, and the event also provided a glimpse of character designs for Goku and Krillin.
Set to be released in the fall of 2024, the Dragon Ball Daima anime boasts the return of the legendary Masako Nozawa as the voice of Son Goku. The series is under the direction of Yoshitaka Yashima, known for his work as an animation director on Dragon Ball Super and the Digimon franchise, along with Aya Komaki, who has served as the series director for One Piece and worked as an episode director on Marie & Gali.
Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru, recognized for his contributions to Dragon Ball Z and the Digimon franchise, is responsible for adapting Akira Toriyama's character designs for animation. Yuuko Kakihara, is known for her involvement in the Digimon Adventure tri. films and 2022's Urusei Yatsura, is supervising and crafting the series scripts. Akira Toriyama, the creator of the Dragon Ball franchise, is credited with developing the new anime's story and character designs.
Plot and Trailer
The intriguing plot of Dragon Ball Daima takes a unique twist, as Goku, Vegeta, Bulma, and other beloved characters from the series find themselves undergoing a dramatic transformation, becoming younger than usual. This storyline differs from the one in the Dragon Ball GT anime, where Goku reverts to a child after the conclusion of the original series. Although the title "Daima" does not have a direct translation, the kanji characters could be interpreted as "Evil" in English, hinting at a potentially dark and thrilling narrative.
The Dragon Ball Super television anime series, which premiered in July 2015 and ran for 131 episodes until March 2018, garnered immense popularity. Funimation and Crunchyroll streamed the series as it aired, and Funimation released it on home video. The franchise continued its success with the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero anime film, which opened in Japan in June 2022 and later in the United States in August. Crunchyroll and Sony Pictures screened the film in theaters worldwide, solidifying Dragon Ball's global appeal.
Are you also waiting for the release of Dragon Ball Daima? Well, the overall combination of an exciting plot, familiar characters, and a talented creative team promises a thrilling addition to the iconic Dragon Ball franchise.
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